Get 20% off when you buy 3!


Something wrong with your order? Oh dear! Let’s fix that for you.

We want to make sure that you are totally satisfied with each and every TellTails product. If you’re not happy with one of our tails, we would be more than happy to exchange it or arrange to refund your payment. All TellTails returns must be returned in new condition.

Return requests need to be made within 15 days of receiving your order.

Returns are super easy – Follow these quick steps to find out how to return your TellTails product(s):

Contact TellTails within 15 days of receiving your order to let us know you will be making a return.

Call us at 07960856379 Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm

or email

Then simply send your returned TellTails parcel to:


100 Cornwallis circle,

Whitstable CT5 1DT.

International Return

Unfortunately, due to the increased cost of international shipping, we do not offer product exchanges or returns on international shipments at this time.