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Work wise - living better

Don’t you just hate waking up in the morning by the sound of an alarm, getting ready for the commute (amazingly the average commuting time in London is 56 minutes!) and to face the strip lighting. 

Well... more and more people are deciding to work from home. Just imagine it, you  could make yourself a nice breakfast before you sit down in your own comfy workspace. You can work in your pj's, or in the garden, you can make your favourite smoothie for lunch, cutting back on costs and most importantly you won't have to pay for the cost of an office. You could even do a 15 minute hula hoop work out whenever tickles your fancy.

With such great team sharing applications like Asana and Google docs, make it easy to work from home. Implementing a Smarter Working Policy can lead to significant gains in productivity as well as increased work/life balance which is a win/win for Employers and Employees.


''While it becomes a crunch issue when you become a parent - and disproportionally affects mothers - it's just as valuable to anyone from first jobbers to CEO's'' - Mother Pukka



#workwisewee#nwfhd #flexappeal

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