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Ideas For An Amazing Outdoors Party

If you’re planning a fun fancy dress party with all your family and friends this summer, then you need to make sure you’ve got your best animal tails costumes to hand. With the weather getting warmer and lots of heat waves expected, it’s the perfect time to get together and celebrate the summer. Village News gives their top tips for throwing a great outdoor party to keep everyone happy.

First up plan ahead, it’s never too early to start sorting out what you’ll need. You want to impress your party guests so don’t leave it until the last minute, write a list of what you already have and then work out exactly what you’ll need to buy. In doing this you’ll then be able to gradually pick up things as the big date gets closer.

Send out invitations early! It’s definitely not a great ideas to leave last minute people plan their summer weekends months ahead, so make sure your date if firmly in all your guests diaries. Make sure they’re eye catching and perhaps give a hint to your theme or décor.

Décor is super important - pick a colour scheme and stick with it. Since the weather should be good decorate your garden - add lots of candles and string lights to make it feel magical.

Create your own fun games - think of cheap ways to entertain the kids. Perhaps get out a paddling pool or consider water games outside. Bubbles are also a great option.

Consider the music carefully, pick a play list that keeps everyone happy. Make sure to get the volume low to mid-level to keep that chilled atmosphere you want.

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